Payment Request

Advance Claim or any payment related to employee task

Claim Reimbursement Easier & Faster

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Have you ever made a claim process at the company you work for? If so, does the claim process at your company work using the manual method or have you used a mobile application system.

Doing the claim process is indeed quite inconvenient, especially if you are an employee with high mobility. With limited time due to a fairly solid work, of course this is quite inconvenient. Moreover, the claim process is carried out many times with different transactions. Obstacles and risks, of course, occur such as lost receipts, damaged receipts, forgetting to claim, the approval process is quite long so that the disbursement is delayed. This manual process is indeed quite inconvenient, both from the side who submits the claim to the party who approves the claim, especially if this activity occurs every day with different people.

Currently, with the development of digital technology, this claim process can be done quickly and easily, by utilizing the use of the Em-HR application which has a claim or payment request feature that makes it easy for users and allows users to process claims in bulk. Try the free Em-HR app hereā€¦


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11 Comment
Lastri Aminah
Klaim Reimbursement Jadi Lebih Mudah & Cepat
1 year ago
klaim urusan kantor jadi mudah
1 year ago
keren fiturnya
2 years ago
mantap aplikasinya
2 years ago
Tavishya Athidira Agrata
memudahkan urusan finance kami
2 years ago
memudahkan urusan klaim di office saya, recomended aplikasinya!
2 years ago
Willy San
Coba dulu ya
2 years ago
putri maharany
Proses klaim jadi sangat praktis dan dapat dilakukan dimana saja
2 years ago
Fajar Subeki
jadi tau proses klaim yg baik dan benar seperti apa
2 years ago
Endah Patimah
sangat memudahkan sekali dan dapat menghemat banyak waktu
2 years ago
klaim-klaiman jadi mudah
2 years ago
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