Medical Reimbursement

Filing employee health expense claims made easier

What is Medical Reimbursement in Companies?

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Hearing the word Medical Reimbursement, of course, not all workers know or understand it, considering that health facilities in the form of BPJS Health are standard obligations that must be owned by workers in every company. The use of medical facilities at the company depends on the policies of each company considering this is related to the facilities and rights regulated by the company. Some companies implement health services using more than one health service facility, such as utilizing health services and facilities from the government in the form of BPJS as well as using private insurance health facilities. This is said to be reasonable to do by the company because it wants to provide more facilities to its employees as an effort to create engagement between the company and its employees. In addition, the benefits of using 2 or more of these health services can relieve employees if one of these services cannot cover them.

Of all of this, of course, there are processes and stages that must be followed by an employee depending on the claims rules of each insurance service. For example, employee A uses private health insurance services to check the health of one of his family members, during the administrative process the hospital informs that the claim process cannot be carried out by swiping/swiping the card but using post-inspection refunds which the insurance participant must pay or administer. . This is common considering that not all hospital health services and insurance are willing to use the card swipe/swipe method due to several factors and an agreement between the two parties.

As a worker or insurance participant, of course this is quite a hassle, especially since this administrative process issues a lot of payment receipts which allows the receipt to be scattered and even lost which of course results in losses for the workers or insurance participants themselves.

To avoid risks as described above, Em-HR provides solutions for companies and employees who want to switch by utilizing a mobile application using the Medical Reimbursement claim feature to answer these problems. So, to be clear about what the application and use of the application is like, try it for free here..


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